10 Gnomes Part 2 - Walk in the Park

10 Gnomes Part 2 - Walk in the Park, bir başka point click tarzı gizli obje bulma oyunu.

1 Comment:

Adsız said...



* Left side, bench, right side of bench (1)
* Left side, pile of trees (2)
* Middle, click the tree branches above the black pigeon (3)
* Middle, click just to the right of the previous tree, click dark tree to right (4)
- While in same seen, zoom out after clicking gnome, click to the right of the dark tree on the stone structure, click inbetween stones (5)
* Middle, to the right of the man-looking thing on center tree, click on the tree with the dark shading at the bottom of it (6)
* Middle, click the man-looking thing on center tree, then click to right of man with the "V" tree, in knot hole (7)
* Middle, click the man-looking thing on tree 5 times, click metal structure on left twice once on top part, once on bottom part (8 9)
* Right, farthest right you can click by another statue, pan left to click stone block, click bottom left of statue (10)

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