Dorfield's Scary Adventure oyununda bir cadı tarafından ürkütücü bir malikaneye kapatılmış Dorfield'a kaçabilmesi için yardımcı oluyoruz. Dikkat etmemiz gereken en önemli şey Dorfield'ın fazla korkmamasını sağlamal. Yön tuşları ile ilerleyip, mouse ile objelere tıklıyoruz.
Dorfield's Scary Adventure
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1. Go left and click on the plank
2. Click on the main door
3. Go to the room with the window and check out which position the clouds are. Write it down or whatever.
4. Go to the cloud painting and click on the clouds untill the are in the same positions as the clouds in the window. You will now get the green key.
5. Open the green door. Then click on the bottom right drawer. The code is: 37. You will get the red key.
6. get put of the room and go left. Click on the grandfather clock. Set it on 7:20. You will then get the pink key.
7. Go left and open the red door. Avoid clicking on the drawers.
8. Open the pink lock. And get the wirecutter from the chest. Not the numbers on the window: 8283.
9: Go oustide, go right and cut through the fence. Then click on the big tree. Enter the code from the window in the pink room: 8283. Then click on the round thing. You will then get the yellow "coins".
10. Go upstairs and get the fire extinguisher.
11. Go downstairs and to the left. You will see a weird monster. Click on the ears of the monster. Then go left.
12. Click on the fireplace. The yellow key!
13.Go upstairs. Open the yellow door. Click on the coats untill you find the hidden multicolour key.
14. Open the multicolour door. and you will see a generator. The code is: 54906. I found this by clikcing on the lamps in the right order. Watch the "needle" and you will find that the order is: 4, 8, 2, 7 , 1, 6, 3, 5.
15. click "enter" and get the blue key.
16. Go outside and to the right, and open the blue lock
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