Rent A Car

Rent A Car, bir başka değişik oda oyunu. Toplantıya yetişebilmek için önce bilgisayarı çalıştırmak sonra da bir araç kiralamamız gerekiyor. Enteresan bir point click oyunu.

1 Comment:

Adsız said...

Click on the top right drawer to open it, click around the bottom left corner of the opened drawer front to get a LAN card, which looks like a chip.
Click on the LAN card in your inventory and click on the computer. You must do this before plugging on the computer or you will get shocked.
Click around the bottom right corner of the topmost drawer on the left side of the desk to get a password.
Click on the fridge.
Click on the meat to get it in your inventory.
Click the meat in your inventory and click the fish tank to feed it to the fish.
Click on the power cord in the fish tank.
Click on the power cord in your inventory and wait until it gets dry.
Click on the computer to turn it on.
Enter in the password.
Now you can buy a car!

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