Escape From Original Room 3

Escape From Original Room 3 serinin üçüncü oyunu.

1 Comment:

Adsız said...

1 go right
2 click lower right side of the desk (near the wall)- take screwdriver
3 click screwdriver, click about item, we have first screw in inventory
4 click under the desk (in the middle) twice - take wire
5 click just over the desk - click drawer - click right side of drawer - take plate with some numbers (one step back)
6 click small point over the desk, use screwdriver - we have second screw in inventory
7 use wire on the little hole where screw was - take magnet (two steps back)
8 go right twice, connect magnet with wire, click in the middle part over the bed, use magnet with wire over the pink arrow - we have third screw in inventory (one step back)
9 click pillow twice, click where pillow was (middle), take tweezers (two steps back)
10 go right, click box on the table, use tweezers on little white thing
11 put screws in that order
- x
empty :

We have it from some maths operations on the note
9 -(2x4)= 1
10 : 2 = 5
(thank You paul)
12 Click box, take key and go to the door and use key


9 2 4 1=16
1 0 2 5=8


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