Dassyutu 1 - Friend's House

Dassyutu 1 - Friend's House, bir çok farklı oyunu bulunan Dassyutu oda oyunu serisinin ilk bölümü. İçinde hapsolduğumuz odayı araştırıp, dışarı çıkışın yollarını arıyoruz.

1 Comment:

Adsız said...

Look at grey square it is a picture. Take glasses and note number on shirt.
Turn around and examine cupboard and retrieve bat, ball, car and note.
Examine bat (click yellow square to zoom in) and see number on handle
Go to safe and enter **** (dont know how to find these numbers as I dont read Japanese, I just used the blog.
Toss ball to the left of the green door and a hole appears. Send car down hole. Car is now by the cupboard. Examine hole and get a key.
Go through green door and use small key on piano.
Counting the white keys from left to right enter **** (again dont know how we got the numbers). Zoom out and get key from panel.
Back through green door and out of the other door.

Safe 1372 Piano 7359

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