Concert 3 - Where Is My Ticket?

Concert 3 - Where Is My Ticket?, concert oda oyunu erisinin üçüncü bölümü. Yine gitmemiz gereken bir konser var ve yine konser biletimizi kaybetmişiz. Yapmamız gereken odayı araştırıp konser biletini bulabilmek.

1 Comment:

Adsız said...


Click on mouse – bottom right corner of bookshelf
Click on box – middle of bookshelf
Click trash can – several clicks to get piece of paper
Click right arrow – get piece of paper from under door
Somewhere near left side of cats eye to get the tail
Turn off light
Click right arrow 2 times to see glowing pink light from right side of bed and click there (you don’t get the object yet)
Go back and turn the light back on
Click right arrow one time. Click on toy mouse and click on the door handle. Then click at the bottom opening of the door. Cat moves and you get the key
Click right arrow
Get remote from under the desk, the piece of paper from under the bed, then click at the bottom right side of the bed and use the cat’s tail to obtain the jewelry
Click the cat on the bed then click on the curtain (cat will jump up)
Click where the cat was laying Get the gold key
Click left and click the forward arrow
Click on the fridge and get the cat food, click on freezer to get bottle
Open cabinet under the sink and get water can
Using the orange key click on the top drawer and finish the puzzle to get a code
Open middle drawer to get the screwdriver
Feed the cat and give it a drink
Crush the bottle (click the bottle and zoom in – click the cap then the label then the bottle to crush it)
Place it in the recycle bin
Get the battery
Turn the water on and wash the cat food can then recycle it as well – get the silver key
Click on the fan to zoom in – use the screwdriver to get your 1st tile
Leave the kitchen
Click on the bathroom door and get the 2nd tile from the slipper
Click the bottom of the plant for the 3rd tile
Leave the bathroom

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